Several Johnson County fire departments, including White River Township Fire Department, joined together to create a county-wide effort to quickly locate missing children and those with cognitive issues. The departments joined the national program, Project Lifesaver, in 2009.
Participating Agencies of Johnson County in addition to White River Township Fire Department:
Bargersville Community Fire Department (317) 422-5187
New Whiteland Fire Department (317) 535-4902
Franklin Fire Department (317) 736-3650
Trafalgar Fire Department (317) 878-4291
Please contact one of the above departments if you live in their district.
How It Works
Clients are outfitted with a special personalized bracelet that emits a constant signal. Each wristband has a unique radio signal which enables the search team to locate the missing person. If a family member believes that their loved one is at risk for wandering and becoming lost, they can visit the White River Township Fire Department to register with the Project Lifesaver program. Once the application is approved, the WRTFD firefighters will enter the person into a Project Lifesaver data bank and provide the client with a bracelet at no charge. Eligibility for this program includes household be located in the county in which the application is completed.
How Much Does Project Lifesaver Cost
The cost of the transmitter and associated monthly maintenance is covered by the operational budget of the sponsoring agency. There is no cost born by the client or their family.
How to enroll in Project Lifesaver
Fill out the Program Contract and Questionnaire by clicking on the button below. Please bring completed documents with you to Station 52: 398 Meridian Parke Ln. Greenwood, IN 46142.
For other questions or inquiries into Project Lifesaver
Lieutenant Chad Witham
Bryan Brown
(317) 888-8337, press 4 during message to be connected.
Project Lifesaver International web site for additional information: www.projectlifesaver.org