Open Burning Information
Burn Permits are valid for a full year, from the date of purchase to the following year. Example: Purchase date 2/2/21, will expire on 2/1/22.
The Open Burning Law, IC 13-17-9-1, applies to everyone living in the State of Indiana. Some cities and townships, such as White River Township, have open burning ordinances that are more strict than the Indiana Law. However, the Indiana Open Burning Law is enforced state-wide by both local fire departments as well as the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The law is not only concerned with the fire problem, it is also concerned with the pollution problem of the smoke that is given off from fire.
For persons within the White River Township Fire Protection District, a permit must be obtained from the fire department before any open burning outside of a non-combustible container can occur. This permit may be obtained from the White River Township Fire Department Headquarters at 366 N. Morgantown Rd. Greenwood, IN or clicking on the link below.
A condensed version of the Open Burning Law and a list of the products that are allowed to be burned:
In order to burn leaves the following conditions must exist:
Leaves must be in an unburnable container with a mesh covering on the top of the container.
If leaf burning creates a nuisance or fire hazard it is to be extinguished.
Leaf burning must take place only during daylight hours and the fire must be attended while burning.
Leaf fires are to be extinguished at sunset.
Leaf burning shall not be conducted during stagnate air or during high winds.
A person may open-burn the following:
Vegetation from a farm, an orchard, a nursery, a tree farm, cemetery, or a drainage ditch.
Only wood products may be burned.
Recreational fires and ceremonial fires are permitted.
However, only wood, paper and charcoal products may be used.
Remember, the following conditions must be met:
Fires must be attended at all times until extinguished.
All burning must be done during daylight hours only and must be extinguished by sunset.
Any time a fire creates a nuisance or hazard the fire shall be extinguished.
All fires shall have adequate firefighting equipment on site for purposes of extinguishing the fire.
No burning shall be allowed during stagnant or high winds.
Remember any violation of the Indiana Open Burning Law can result in a fine levied by the Fire Department or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. For more information on open burning rules and regulations, see the White River Township Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance or call the White River Township Fire Department at (317) 888-2337.