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WRTFD Archives

February 2019
August 2020

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the line of duty death of Paramedic Kyle Martincic.  His brothers and sisters at the WRTFD are heart-broken over his loss.  We ask for thoughts and prayers for Kyle's wife and two kids as well as everyone in public safety who were priveledged to work with Kyle.  He faithfully served WRTFD, Bargersville FD, IU Health Bloomington EMS, and started his career in Pana, Illinois.

Thank you for all the kind messages via social media, email, and text.  Chief Pell

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February 2019

Please join us in congratulating our 2018 WRTFD Award Winners. Thanks to theif exceptional performance, our department is stronger and better able to serve our community. Award winners were nominated and voted by their peers and officers of the Department.

Awards were presented to:

Officer of the Year: Lieutenant Ryan Cox

Firefighter of the Year: Firefighter/EMT Sasha Davis

Paramedic of the Year: Civilian Paramedic Anne Peege

EMT of the Year: Firefighter/EMT Logan Bowman

Employee of the Year: Firefighter/EMT Mitchell Combs

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Our friends at ICAN (Indiana Canine Assistance Network) brought some love to the WRTFD on Valentines Day. Gage, a 7 month old lab in training, stopped by for some socialization training and to bring us amazing valentine treats! Through the ICAN program, children and adults with disabilities and their families find they can live more independent and productive lives with the help of a service dog like Gage. Good boy, Gage!

March 2019

Congratulations to WRTFD firefighter/paramedic Sasha Davis!

Thank you for all you do for the community and the Department. Click on the link below to learn more about this amazing firefighter and paramedic! We couldn't be more proud of her and her contributions to the Department.

Thank you Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for generously awarding the WRTFD a grant to purchase six ballistic helmets and vests to protect firefighters/EMS personnel during hostile or active shooter emergency situations. You have provided us with the equipment needed to reach patients as quickly as possible and to provide medical care in situations where mere minutes can save lives. Thank you local franchise owners Ken and Patricia Cain for your unending support! 

#FirehouseSubsPublicSafetyFoundation #FirehouseSubs#SupportYourLocalFireDepartment

April 2019

WRTFD Fire Chief Jeremy Pell and Gunner demonstrate canine CPR at the Pet PAWlooza at Mallow Run held April 28th. All the proceeds benefited Gateway Services and was powered by Johnson County Commissioner Brian Baird. Also a shout out to Gunner who recently (along with Chief Pell) received his search and rescue certification from the International Police Work Dog Association. Good boy, Gunner!

May 2019


Congratulations to WRTFD Fire Chief Jeremy Pell who graduated today from the inaugural class of Center Grove Ambassadors. Chief Pell was among 16 community leaders who completed a seven month program which covered the many facets of the Center Grove School System such as safety, academics and operations. Congrats Chief Pell for being a great ambassador for Center Grove Schools and for the WRTFD.

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Thank you Engine 53 C-shift crew for your act of kindness while Medic 52 and Medic 53 crews were attending to patients. What a great example of what it means to be a member of the WRTFD!

Click here for the news story by WTHR-TV!

FB post by Jo Co Sherrif - MVA - groceri
FB post by Jo Co Sherrif - MVA - groceri

Congratulations to WRTFD's newest recruits who just completed month-long training with hands-on and classroom exercises. Five full-time firefighters, six part-time firefighters, and on part-time civilian EMT will be reporting to their assigned shifts starting today. Congratulations and welcome to the WRTFD!


Cody Lofland, Firefighter/EMT

Kelcey McKenna, Firefighter/Paramedic

Benjamin Rardin, Firefighter/EMT

Dalton Watson, Firefighter/EMT

Robert Yates, Firefighter/EMT


Kaycie Hodge, Firefighter/Paramedic

Brian Hutchinson, Firefighter/EMT

Josh Ford, Civilian EMT

Tyler Mauder, Firefighter/EMT

Caleb Sulya, Firefighter/EMT

Caroline Watkins, Firefighter/EMT

Jared Wilson, Firefighter/EMT

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As we celebrate National EMS week, I’d like to publicly thank our WRTFD EMTs and paramedics. Thank you for your caring, your compassion and your devotion to patient care. Thank you to our Medic 52 and Medic 53 crews for their service to the community. In addition, it is important for our community to know that every WRTFD fire crew member is a certified EMT or licensed Paramedic. While we hope you do not need our EMS services, please know if you do, you are in excellent hands. – Fire Chief Jeremy Pell

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As National Police Week comes to a close, I want to take time to honor our local police officers. TheWhite River Township Fire Department thanks you for protecting us as we all protect Johnson County. You have my tremendous appreciation for making sure everyone goes home at the end of their shift. Thank you Johnson County Indiana Sheriff's Office,Bargersville Police DepartmentCenter Grove Police Department, and Greenwood Police Department. Thank you! Chief Pell

June 2019

Thank you to everyone who came out and visited us or volunteered at

WRTFD's Strawberry Festival!

It is people like you who help make this a wonderful community and an honor to serve.

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July 2019


A future WRTFD ladder crew member! We will keep an eye out for this young man's application. So glad that you all had a great time at the cookout yesterday! Thank you for the support and kind words. It's an honor and privilege to serve this community.

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Call 911
If you or someone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency.

Department Contact Information

Headquarters / Station 53

366 North Morgantown Road
Greenwood, IN 46142

Tel: 317-888-8337

Fax: 317-888-9426

Station 51

3016 Olive Branch Rd.
Greenwood, IN 46143

Station 52

398 Meridian Parke Ln.
Greenwood, IN 46142

Station 254/

Center Grove Operations Center

2309 S Morgantown Rd
Greenwood, IN 46143

Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding Protected Health Information (PHI)

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